Friday, November 6, 2009

It was all meant to be.

You know when you mess something up and you get all frustrated about what happened. I have an idea of how to not be frustrated about that kind of stuff.
Step one: Take a deep breath as soon as you feel frustration coming on and take a step back from what you are doing.
Step two: Think about what you did wrong and see what you can do to correct it.
Step three:If there is absolutely no way you can manage to fix what went wrong, you take another step back and try and figure out why it was meant to be. I have some examples that happened to me today.
eg. I was in class working on a project and I look through it and find out I had missed out on something. I got a tiny stressed but I followed my steps and it worked. It was all meant to be. I had bought a binder for it and I didn't use it. Turns out I bought for a reason. The Universe knew I would mess up so I bought back up. Once you step back it really helps you notice that what went wrong isn't really wrong it's meant to be!

1 comment:

  1. Thats great! I will really listen to your suggestions. Do you know I'm writing a book? I could email it too you if you like! You might notice I've started following your blog. I think its really good that your giving everyone that reads it such hope and positivity. You go girl!
    Issy (the girl you met in the tree)
